Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Okay, life's a fact...

...people do fall in love, people do belong to each other, because that's the only chance anybody's got for real happiness.

I think I can believe that. 

Usually, Breakfast At Tiffany's is my rainy day movie. How cliche am I, right? 
For some reason, last night felt rainy despite the real weather. And, I have the house to myself for a while and can watch a movie two times in a row without bothering anyone. 

I've also been writing a little, and I am surprised at how both my love and frustration for it has been increasing. 

Holly: What do you do, anyway?
Paul:  I'm a writer, I guess.
Holly: You guess? Don't you know? 

Paul: OK, positive statement. Ringing affirmative. I'm a writer.

Ya, me too Paul baby. 

Random Emy fact: 
My life would be complete if I were to be wooed in a library. 

Can I also say that I have a mad crush on George Peppard? Yup. He's a dreamboat, with amazing hair. 
Nuf said. 

Hey Em, lets add to the slight mess of a life you have by watching the entire first season of One Tree Hill. Oh, you just did that? Well, how about tonight you get through season two then, ya? Cool. 

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