Tuesday, August 10, 2010

A book nook, look

I tend to first judge a place by whether or not it would be a good book reading spot. This makes me intrinsically love libraries with ottomans, big windows, and generously sized side tables.
Another lovable place is a bright, preferably vacant, living room, mostly because it is right next to the kitchen and reading while eating is a joy that should always be a priority. I acquired the habit of eating cheeto puffs with a fork while reading The Return of the King. You can't turn a page with orange fingers! It is actually quite a skill; if you don't do it just right the cheeto breaks in half or you end up with a bowl of cheeto dust. Subsequently, I always see hobbits in my mind when I eat cheetos.
I will now repress my urge to further digress. ooh Rhyme!

What I have been craving is my room. A good bedroom has always been my favorite reading place. Being on vacation is wonderful, and the beach is way up there on my favorite reading spots list.  But I like having all my own blankets, my pillow that actually fits me, even just looking up from my book to see my own pictures, hairbrush, or jacket.
This is obviously not my room, but I wish it was. I found it here, which is lovely, but has become a time sucker for me. Of course that doesn't deter me in the slightest.
Anyway, this room is, to me, a perfect reading bedroom. Great window and light, handy shelves, pillows, ceiling fan, chair/ottoman to change it up from the bed that is in its own nook. A nook bed! A book nook bed. Oh, I want a nook bed almost as much as I want a library with a rolly ladder.

I like this one too, but not as much. It is more like a window seat in an office, which is still wonderful. And the window looks like it could easily sneak a boy in to enjoy the window seat with, which is uh, totally not the first thing I thought upon seeing this picture.
So, go find a good nook and read, or you know, something. 
And, none of my nook talk is to be associated with that electronic book nook thing. Real paper all the way, I don't care how many trees I take out with me. It smells so good. And you can't write with pen on a "nook". And if anyone saw you sniffing one, they would commit you.
 Good gracious, I better end now. I'm just a bag full of too many digressions today.

1 comment:

Brently said...

....Will you marry me??? Seriously though! I totally get the whole book nook thing! The other day I found this great chair at Savers and it has totally become my new book reading chair! If you're looking for one take Natalie...she's good luck! My grandparents have "his" and "hers" reading chairs in their bedroom and it is just so quaint and perfect. And I agree on all levels about the paper vs. electronic debate. I miss you too! Will you come home soon???